News Archive

14 November 2024
New England Chapter Recent Activities

William (Rusty) Lorenzen, FHPS, Chapter President

As we continue to build momentum, there have been a few recent activities that the New England Chapter of the Health Physics Society (NECHPS) has undertaken.

On 23–27 September, Counterterrorism Operations Support (CTOS) Center for Radiological Nuclear Training provided the first Radiological Operations Support Specialist (ROSS) course held in Massachusetts. We had 20 participants and will be hosting another class in May of 2025.

On 27 October, we held a joint virtual meeting with the Delaware Valley Society for Radiation Safety (DVSRS). HPS President-elect Mike Lewandowski spoke about radiation gauging.

The NECHPS participated in and cohosted the New England Radiological Health Compact (NERHC) annual meeting in Portland, Maine, 28 October–1 November. This brought together many of the regulatory agencies for New England discussing the various radiological program topics and challenges. It also featured some interesting presentations on emergency response, new reactor design, and fusion.

The NECHPS will also hold its annual holiday vendor social on 12 December. This is always a crowd pleaser as we will have a number of raffles and libations for all.

Lastly, we are proud and pleased to announce we have completed the merger of the Connecticut Chapter into the New England Chapter. This was accomplished over many months of work to amend both the NECHPS bylaws and the chapter's Charter. We can finally say that the New England Chapter truly includes all six New England states.