Member Benefits

Membership in the Health Physics Society (HPS) brings a multitude of benefits worth far more than the cost of membership. HPS is pleased to be able to offer members all of the following:

  • Subscription to the monthly journal Health Physics, the premier journal in the field of radiation protection.
  • Subscription to the journal Operational Radiation Safety, emphasizing applied radiation protection.
  • Access to the monthly online newsletter Health Physics News.
  • Access to the full library of Health Physics Journal, Operational Radiation Safety, and Health Physics News issues that have been published.
  • Access to the online Members Directory.
  • Access to HP Practice Questions and Answers.
  • Access to an online mentor/mentee matching platform.
  • Discounts on registration fees and hotel reservations for HPS meetings.
  • Discounts on registration fees for meetings of the Radiation Research Society.
  • Free American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards developed by the HPS (available for purchase by nonmembers).[1]
  • Subscription to the American Institute of Physics journal, Physics Today, for $25 annually.
  • Membership in the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) and access to the newsletters of several IRPA associate societies (Canada, France, and the United Kingdom).
  • National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) Reports and Commentaries for free or at a discount price.

Additionally, HPS membership is a prerequisite for:

  • Reduced fees to join one of the HPS specialized sections.
  • Serving as an officer or director of the Society.
  • Serving as president or president-elect of a local chapter.


[1] While HPS members have full access to all of the HPS ANSI standards for free, the files downloaded from the HPS website are for members' individual use only. For multiple copies, copies for commercial purposes, or copies for use by nonmembers, go to