Website, Publications, and Secretariat Contacts
Website Contacts
Please contact the following persons for scientific or technical issues associated with the Health Physics Society website:

Barbara L. Hamrick
Editor in Chief
Craig L. Little
Society Operations Editor- Responsible for updating the content on the HPS public and Members Only websites with the Society's activities.
- Maintains the Meetings pages and Upcoming Meetings and Events.
- Assists committees, chapters, and sections with reporting and updating their posted information.
- Performs copy editing of FAQs, Health Physics News items, etc.
- Official point of contact for media inquiries.
- Oversees HPS social media functions.

Emily Caffrey
Ask the Experts Editor- Oversees/structures/develops the Ask the Experts (ATE) HPS feature.
- Identifies fact sheets that are helpful to the public on radiation information.
- Maintains a list of topic editors and experts.
- Ensures that questions are answered in a timely manner.

Ramesh Bobbu
Webmaster- Responsible for the management of the server, website design and layout, security, and backup of the website.
- Maintains, updates, and backs up all databases in coordination with the Secretariat.

Sharon Hebl
Support Editor- Posts job openings.
- Posts ATE questions and answers, Notes of Appreciation, FAQs, and other ATE-related items determined by ATE editors.
- Helps ATE editors as needed.
- Reviews posted ATE questions and answers and edits and updates URLs as needed.
- Contacts publishers and authors for book donations for the book drawing at the annual meeting.
- Helps news editor as needed.
Health Physics News Contact

Mary A. Walchuk
News Editor- Gathers, prepares, and posts news items and graphics for the HPS website and the twice-monthly emailed Health Physics News.
- Copyedits various web pages and HPS documents.
- Coordinates and attends the Web Operations booth at the HPS annual meeting.
Chapter and Section Website Support

Ruediger (Ruedi) Birenheide
- Webmaster for website.
- Edits section and chapter web pages.
Journal Contacts
Use the following addresses to contact the Health Physics Journal and Operational Radiation Safety editors:

Health Physics Journal
Brant Ulsh
Editor in Chief
Operational Radiation Safety
Craig A. Little

Health Physics Journal
Mary Gene Ryan
Managing Editor- Responsible for handling Health Physics manuscripts from acceptance to publication.
- Manages copyediting process through final proof stage.
- Chooses content for each month's issue.
- Ensures that all technical and editorial concerns are addressed prior to publication.

Health Physics Journal
Deanna Baker
Editorial Assistant- Responsible for handling manuscripts from submission to acceptance—serves as the liaison between authors and editors.
- Helps authors navigate the Editorial Manager software system.
- Serves as the managing editor for Operational Radiation Safety.
- Communicates with the production editor and publisher to ensure all concerns are addressed prior to printing an article.
Secretariat Contacts
Use the following address to contact the Secretariat:
Health Physics Society
950 Herndon Parkway
Suite 450
Herndon, VA 20170
Phone: 703-790-1745
Fax: 703-790-2672
Overall administration of the Society:
Brett J. Burk, Executive Director,, phone ext. 220
Jill Drupa, Program Manager,, phone ext. 222
Administration of the Society's meetings:
Jennifer Rosenberg, Meetings Director,, phone ext. 231
Khuong Mulvaney, Registration Coordinator,, phone ext. 236, responds to inquiries concerning general meeting information and is responsible for processing of meeting registrations.
Amy Sullivan, Sponsorship Coordinator,, phone ext. 223, is responsible for advertising, sponsorships, and exhibits.
Society membership:
Elizabeth Terry-Humen, Membership Director,, phone ext. 219, is responsible for administering the Society's membership program and section and chapter support.
Maggie Lefer, Data Processor,, phone ext. 229, is responsible for processing of new and renewal dues.
Overall administration of the Society's finances:
Tiffany Binnix, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable,, phone ext. 217.
Tsema Tumur, Controller,, phone ext. 228.
Amy Wride-Graney, Standards Coordinator,, phone ext. 213, is responsible for the Standards Program and Committees N13 and N43.
Tammy Liberati, Administrative Assistant,, phone ext. 210, responds to inquiries concerning general information on the Society and forwards membership applications and Society brochures.
Mary Gene Ryan, Special Publications Director,, 843-670-9668, is responsible for producing special publications of the Society, which currently include ANSI/HPS standards.